Archive for November, 2013

Sorry about the late upload, but now, on to the review! Condemed 2: Bloodshot, (sequel to Condemed: Criminal Origins) takes place about 11 months after the events of Condemed: Criminal Origins, and Ethan Thomas the main character, has hit rock bottom. Ethan has become a drunk, hobo with an attitude, and who also is seeing made up images in his mind fooling with him, as well as Ethan’s inner demon which Ethan also sees time to time. When your old pal Malcolm Vanhorn calls Rosa, (see Condemed: Criminal Origins Review for more details) and tells her that there is still evil out there that hasn’t been stopped. So the agency calls you in to help locate Vanhorn, and there are also residence that SKX is about. Condemed: Criminal Origins SPOILER: Condemed 2: Bloodshot continues the story as if you shot SKX at the end of Condemed Criminal origins, and the agency believes that SKX is still out there. END OF SPOILER!!! Also, the agency eventually decides to put you on some of the intense missions hoping that you’ll not return. Getting away story the story for a sec, the Condemed franchise added an online multiplayer to play with your friends. A few of the characters look different and the graphics are better, not to mention that Ethan Thomas is now strong and knows several different techniques of fist fighting, also there are more weapons and fee, more powerful than the ones of the first Condemed. I really liked this game and can give you a few scares now and then just as the first. I rate this game an 8/10 and I recommend this game to people who like murder mysteries, horror action games, fighting games, etc. Again i’ll say it, Condemed 2 Bloodshot is a fun game, and very good for its price. You can buy Condemed 2: Bloodshot at Gamestop for the price of about $4.99-$6.99 American. ( Origins )